Baronial Missive for December 2019

5 Dec

As the snowstorm looms, warm greetings to you all!

The response to the Toys for Tots/Holiday Socks of Love tournaments has been wonderful so far, and we are moved by your generosity and enthusiasm. Our first-ever youth boffer tourney brought in 50 toys for donation, and the rapier tourney brought in 282 more. We’d like to thank you all especially for stepping up to the challenge of our new, local charity, Holiday Socks of Love: two of their representatives attended the rapier tournament and were thrilled to accept nine filled stockings plus a box of additional donations for fostered and adopted kids in Minnesota. And we still have one tourney to go! We’re looking forward to the archery tourney on December 1 for our final total.

With the new month, our attention turns to the call for Twelfth Night volunteers. Please plan to give an hour or two of your time to make this event happen: visit to sign up. Please sign up early, for the sanity of the event staff! Without volunteers, we have no events.

Thank you to those who turned in award recommendations! Our Twelfth Night court is now full, but please keep the recommendations coming for the new year. The deadline to turn in stuffed toys created for the kingdom toy chest is the December 18 business meeting. If you’d like to participate but haven’t had a chance, please contact Baroness Caoilfhionn or our minister of arts & sciences, Helena the Quiet, at

This month we will both journey to Boar’s Head to witness the transition of the baronial seats of Caer Anterth Mawr. Gabriel also plans to journey to Calontir for the renowned shopping event, Kris Kinder. We hope to see you on the road as well as at local activities! Winter weather is always a concern, so please watch social media and the Google group for activity cancellations in case of a storm.

Safe travels and warm welcomes to you all.
Caoilfhionn and Gabriel,
Baroness and Baron of Nordskogen